Best Costume Contest

October 25-31, 2020 – Milton Dalida

Years ago when I was in elementary school, our school held a costume contest. My friends and I were so excited because we were going to have an opportunity to wear our costumes and see what cool costumes the other students were going to wear. On the day of the contest, I could see all the great creative costumes and watch students act out the character they were dressed as. Needless to say, I did not win the contest. But, reflecting back, and observing kids (and adults) dressing up for Halloween today, helped me to understand a very important Bible lesson. Know the true character of Jesus! (1 John 5:18-20)

People, in general, put up fronts to mask their true feelings, true character, or true intentions. This may not necessarily always be a bad thing. But, it does bring up the question, “Who are you really?” In this day and age, with the pandemic and the election, it’s difficult to know who to trust. The media tries to persuade you one way or another. Misinformed individuals try to convince you of the “truth”. If you think about it, the media, and the secular world for that matter, puts on a “costume”. The more you get exposed to the “character of the costume” you start to believe it’s the true character of the one wearing it.

Personally, I’m overwhelmed and happy for the gift of salvation that Jesus has given us through His death on the cross to pay for our sins. (Romans 5:8) Why? Because we no longer have to wear a costume to hide the shame and sorrow of our sinful character! Instead, we will be given a new robe, white as snow, clean from the stains of sin, radiating the true character of Jesus, which is LOVE! (Revelation 7:9-17) The only way to experience His love is to continue to have a relationship with Him. As the saying goes, “The only way to know a counterfeit is to know the real thing!”

As God’s children, we were created in His image. (Genesis 1:27) We are to reflect His character to the world. We need to wear the armor of God as we continue to lead others to Him. (Ephesians 6:10-18) You know what the best thing is about the spiritual “Best Costume Contest”? We all get to wear the robe of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10) Therefore, we are all winners!