Just Sleeping

November 8-14, 2020 – Milton Dalida

Have you ever been so tired from all the burdens of life that you just needed to take a long deserved sleep to recuperate? Workers need time to rest and sleep so they can have energy to work again the next day. Athletes need rest and sleep to heal and be prepared for another competition. In fact, Jesus slept on a tiny boat during a storm because He was so tired from evangelizing all day. But, did you you know that the Bible refers to death as a temporary sleep? (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

One of our dearest members of the congregation passed away this past week. Bottom line, life has a way of wearing us out physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. As sorrowful as it is for the family, friends, church, and all those who cared, the good news is that we will see our dear friend soon when Jesus comes again to take us home to heaven. Just as you go to sleep at night and wake up to a new day, so it will be with our friend. He will rise again as a new energized brother in Christ! (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).

Only Jesus knows what you’ve been through, what you’re thinking, and what you’re going through now. Unlike reading a novel, it’s actually a good thing to know ahead of time the ending of a book, specifically the Bible. Why? Because we have hope, even in this sinful world, knowing that Jesus has already overcome death and paid for our sins on the cross FOR OUR SALVATION! (Romans 5:8; Romans 6:23)

This insight gives me a whole new outlook on life in this sin filled world. Just when it seems like there’s no getting out of it, just turn to those book marked pages in the Bible where Jesus says that He loves you, He’s coming back for you, and that He’s taking care of all the accommodations in heaven for your soon arrival! (John 14:1-4). God’s plan is fool proof. Not even Satan can cheat his way into heaven. Why? Because the only way to get in is through Jesus! (John 14:6; John 3:16-17)

Friends, the best is yet to come! Take time to mourn for the loved ones we’ve lost along the way. Better yet, take joy in knowing, as a believer and follower of Jesus, that death has no permanent hold on you, on me, or our loved ones. (1 Corinthians 15:54-58) Just as the story of Lazarus’ death, remember, our loved ones are “just sleeping” until Jesus comes again!