Slow To Wrath

December 6-12, 2020 – Leslie Mendez

As a child I was told “Don’t be mad”, ”Go be mad somewhere else.” My natural emotions often betrayed my poor attempts of stopping them only making me an angrier child. How guilted I felt as it only grew an unmanaged behavior. Having developed poor coping skills I found myself struggling to manage my anger as an adult. Until I read “He who is slow to wrath has great understanding.” (Proverbs 14:29)

I was enlightened to an awareness of what God would tell me. He never told me “don’t” or “go away.” He never guilted me making me feel less. I came to understand and trust his simplistic communication in advising me with love and nurturing. He encouraged me or guided. Being mindful of myself I later learned to examine my emotion of anger and explore my underlining reasons to my anger. Learning to better address my anger and slowing my wrath. 

Today I encourage you to examine your own emotions and allow God to nurture your vulnerabilities allowing them to be expressed in a healthier manner, remembering to slow down and be mindful. Allow our Father to teach for a better well-being.

God Bless.