My Testimony

August 6, 2022 – Ron Green

And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.  I John 5:11 NKJV

Do you have a testimony? Have you ever wondered what a Testimony is and why it’s so important to share. I myself could tell you about the “Greatest” testimony, it’s the testimony of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus left His Devine place in Heaven next to God the Father, for me and you. Jesus died a sinless death and rose agin, so that you and I have an opportunity to have an eternal life in Heaven. Is that not the “Greatest” testimony of all. If you believe that Jesus did this, then it’s your testimony too. Let’s dig into the meaning and usefulness a testimony can impact you and others around you. My research on this topic resulted with these findings. 

So, what is a testimony?

It is a personal revelation from God, revealing the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A testimony comes through the Holy Ghost; it makes a deep and lasting impression on the soul. Individual testimonies are the foundation and strength of the Church.

So, why is it important to have a strong testimony?

A strong testimony gives peace, comfort, and assurance. It generates the conviction that as the teachings of the Savior are consistently obeyed, life will be beautiful, the future secure, and there will be capacity to overcome the challenges that cross our path.

Why is it important to share Testimonies?

Sharing your testimony helps you heal and bring us closer together. The Latin root for testimony is testis, meaning “ witness.” Compassionate witnessing of our personal series helps us recover and help others do the same. There is power in your testimony.

You just need to trust God!

Sometimes, life’s situations can cause us to doubt God’s goodness, question His existence, or wonder if God’s Word is true. We expect God to help us a certain way, but He does not always do things our way (Isaiah 55:8-9). Yet, we must learn to trust God. Jesus’ response to John’s question shows us that testimonies can help us overcome doubts about God. Jesus said, “Go back to John and tell him what you have seen and heard”. So, what have you seen or heard about Jesus? What has He done for you? Take a moment and read about the miracles of Jesus or reflect on the good things God has done for you and people close to you. 

Lqistening to testimonies, reading about God’s mighty works in the Bible and reflecting on God’s wonders in our lives can help us overcome doubt and strengthen our faith. 

In the devotional: This Day With God on July 29

Ellen White writes:

The Lord Jesus has paid the ransom money for us; He has given His own life in order that those who believe on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Those who receive the truth by faith will bear testimony to the quality of the faith they exercise.

Jesus gave this message to the believers for the Signs of the Times and the End of Age:

But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony. Luke 21:13 NKJV


 During a sermon by Pastor Joseph this question was asked, do you know God and how well do you know God? To know God, you have to have some sort of relationship with Him. How else would you get to know Him? God has done many things in your life, first of all He created you. Secondly He gave His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for your sins. I have given you the first two things God has done for you, can you think of any another thing He has done in your life? Then tell about the great things God has done for you. Use your experience as your testimony. A testimony is nothing more than that, telling others about the “Goodness” of God the Father and all the good things He has done for you. Your testimony can and will change as you allow God to work in your life. I pray that you have many testimonies in your journey with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. 

—— Chaplain Ron