Merry Christ-más

December 20-26, 2020 – Milton Dalida
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us not forget the reason Jesus came to this earth in the first place. (John 3:16-17; Romans 8:23) We needed saving from the strongholds of sin. As the saying goes, “It is better to give than to receive.” After all, God gave His Son Jesus so that we may have eternal life with Him in heaven. For without this act, you and I would have no chance in this spiritual battle between good and evil.
During this holiday season it’s wonderful to see the lights, the decorations, and receiving/giving gifts. But, this “Christ-más” we need “more” of Christ and to be “more” like Christ. That’s what makes life merry! No matter what the world says about what should make you happy, the truth is, life in Christ is true happiness. (Colossians 3:4; Psalms 119:1-2) Jesus was born unto us so that He may set the example of how to live a sinless, happy life!
Three wise men followed the Bethlehem star that led them to baby Jesus. What amazed me was their faith in the newborn baby Jesus. So much so that they began to worship Him when they found Him. Only God is worthy of praise and worship. (Psalm 145:1-3; Exodus 20:1-6) We too should follow the Holy Spirit in our hearts that leads us to worship Jesus. Only Jesus, our Creator, Savior, and advocate in heaven, is worthy of praise and worship.
I pray that you, brothers and sisters in Christ, may have a Merry Christmas. May you be blessed with the fruits of the Spirit, and have the diligence to complete the Great Commission.