Graduation Day

May 9-15, 2021 – Milton Dalida

This school year is almost over. High school and college seniors will be graduating soon. All the hard work, stress, and extra curricular activities they’ve had to go through will finally pay off. Graduation is a kind of right of passage. It’s a transition from curriculum studies into the real life application of what’s been learned. I’m a proud parent of a soon-to-be high school graduate. Time sure does fly by.

I remember that day I graduated from high school and college. I got to wear the traditional cap and gown with the school colored tassel. I felt a sense of accomplishment and relief. No more studying, no more tests, and no more walking back and forth to classes. It felt wonderful walking the aisle with your peers in front of family and friends to receive your diploma from the school principal or district administrator. My favorite part was when we shifted the tassel from one side to the other to signify that we’ve officially graduated, then throwing our caps high in the air with joy!

Our spiritual walk is similar to our curriculum experience. We start off as kindergarten believers in Jesus. We spend our time getting to know Him more and more. Sometimes we occasionally get bullied by the insecure non-believer. But, we continue pushing forward learning how to share the gospel. We study God’s word to understand the purpose of our lives and how we should live it the best way possible. Our faith gets tested periodically by the cares of this secular world we live in. Sometimes we forget scripture, but God provides the knowledge and tools needed at the perfect time. Eventually, we graduate with our new classmates in Christ who’ve given their lives to the Lord. We then move on the next phase of our spiritual journey.

Jesus says to we should make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:16-20) We need to continue preaching God’s word and be prepared always. (2 Timothy 4:2-5) My family and friends, the day is coming soon when we will wear the robe of righteousness and the jeweled crown upon our heads on the graduation day at Jesus’s second coming! We will be able to walk the streets of gold hand in hand with Jesus in heaven. (Revelation 21:21) Upon that time, Jesus will bring us our reward. (Revelation 22:12) for what we’ve done as His good faithful stewards here on earth. (Matthew 25:23)

I can’t wait for our spiritual Graduation Day. We will transition from mortal to immortal, in a twinkling of an eye. (1 Corinthians 15:50-54) No more pain and suffering. There’ll just be peace, joy, and love!