What God Can Do

February 21-27, 2021 – Belinda Castillo

Insanity has been defined as repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.  This week I heard a story on Voice of the Martyrs Radio about a man named Jim* (not his real name) and I’d like to share it with you.  Jim was stuck in the insanity cycle.  His life was going round and round the wheel of fear, emptiness, drugs, crime, and prison.  

It came about on his third time in prison, that a fellow inmate gave him a Bible and invited him to join a Bible study group there in the prison.  Jim’s friend was in for murder, but Christ had changed his life and Jim was ready for his life to change as well.    God changed him bit by bit, here and there, little by little as he read God’s word and studied with other believers.  

Time passed and Jim was up for parole, but he was afraid to leave the prison.  His whole Christian support system was there so his shocking prayer was, “God, don’t let me out of here until your presence goes with me until you’ve got me because I don’t ever want to be the man I was before you saved me.”  

God redeemed Jim’s life — every piece of it.  When you redeem something you buy it back and God bought it all back when Jim surrendered his life to Him.  What the enemy meant for bad God used for good. 

Jim used to deliver death, plotting how to rob and steal and hurt others and now he delivers life and hope.  He was let out on parole many years ago and God’s presence still goes with him.  You see Jim is now a Bible smuggler in the Middle East.  The skill set he acquired in evading the law he now uses to push Bibles into closed countries and smuggle gospel workers across borders.  Isn’t our God amazing?!

So what do you need to surrender to God?  Give it all to him.  You may think your life is too far gone and that you’re too old or too bad.  Please don’t listen to those lies from the enemy.  If the enemy is working overtime trying to convince you that you’re no good it’s because he doesn’t want to lose you and have you working against him.  He knows the wonders God can do with your life.  Just look at what he did with Jim’s life.  The more fully we are surrendered, the more completely God can use us.  He wants to redeem all of you every part.  Are you ready to surrender?  Let’s step out in faith together and watch what God can do.    

(If you’d like to listen to Jim’s full interview go to vomradio.net  and click the play button on the bar across the top of the screen.  His interview is titled “Bible Smuggling: We didn’t come here to be safe”)